Beta Review Master 1.1a by

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ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 24
  • Words from chapter 24
    •    A. rude, unfeeling, hard, unmerciful, hard - hearted, cruel, severe, fierce
    •    B. and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until
    •    C. to be on one's guard, take care, take heed, beware, guard against, avoid
    •    D. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    A. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    B. haughty, proud, vain, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, supercilious, domineering
    •    C. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    D. a personal dependant, client
    •    A. very much, greatly, exceedingly, particularly
    •    B. to be on one's guard, take care, take heed, beware, guard against, avoid
    •    C. to count, enumerate, reckon, number, take account of
    •    D. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    A. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    B. rude, unfeeling, hard, unmerciful, hard - hearted, cruel, severe, fierce
    •    C. very violent, impetuous, insolent
    •    D. to see in advance, discern, descry
    •    A. and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until
    •    B. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    C. wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce
    •    D. a row, line, series, order, rank
    •    A. wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce
    •    B. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    C. and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until
    •    D. rude, unfeeling, hard, unmerciful, hard - hearted, cruel, severe, fierce
    •    A. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    B. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    C. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    D. to be on one's guard, take care, take heed, beware, guard against, avoid
    •    A. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    B. a personal dependant, client
    •    C. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    D. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    A. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    B. unfriendly, hostile, inimical
    •    C. a row, line, series, order, rank
    •    D. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    A. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    B. to see in advance, discern, descry
    •    C. very much, greatly, exceedingly, particularly
    •    D. an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege
    •    A. a row, line, series, order, rank
    •    B. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    C. to count, enumerate, reckon, number, take account of
    •    D. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    A. an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege
    •    B. a looker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
    •    C. and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until
    •    D. a row, line, series, order, rank
    •    A. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    B. very violent, impetuous, insolent
    •    C. in what manner, to what degree, how greatly, how, how much; used with comparatives: than
    •    D. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    A. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    B. wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce
    •    C. an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege
    •    D. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    A. very much, greatly, exceedingly, particularly
    •    B. to be on one's guard, take care, take heed, beware, guard against, avoid
    •    C. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    D. to go by, go past, pass by, pass
    •    A. a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin
    •    B. to see in advance, discern, descry
    •    C. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    D. very violent, impetuous, insolent
    •    A. haughty, proud, vain, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, supercilious, domineering
    •    B. a personal dependant, client
    •    C. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    D. in what manner, to what degree, how greatly, how, how much; used with comparatives: than
    •    A. very violent, impetuous, insolent
    •    B. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    C. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    D. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    A. a row, line, series, order, rank
    •    B. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    C. rude, unfeeling, hard, unmerciful, hard - hearted, cruel, severe, fierce
    •    D. a looker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
    •    A. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    B. very much, greatly, exceedingly, particularly
    •    C. a looker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
    •    D. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    A. very violent, impetuous, insolent
    •    B. haughty, proud, vain, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, supercilious, domineering
    •    C. a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
    •    D. in what manner, to what degree, how greatly, how, how much; used with comparatives: than
    •    A. victory
    •    B. to go by, go past, pass by, pass
    •    C. to bear, carry, convey, draw
    •    D. a place from which shows are witnessed, spectator's seat, place in the theatre
    •    A. victory
    •    B. an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege
    •    C. pass. of facio; see facio; OR to become
    •    D. wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce